The Destroyer of Worlds rises… and falls on a solid episode of Agents of SHIELD
Well, the only Von Strucker family on television now is the family on Fox’s X-traordinary Gifted because good ‘ol Werner Von Strucker is the first victim of the newly risen Destroyer of Worlds. Doesn’t that sound ominous? Oh, it so is. This week on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Ruby Hale’s greatest wish comes true. She is able to force the captive Fitz and Simmons to build her the chamber that will allow her to bond with Gravitonium and become the Destroyer of Worlds.

What Ruby doesn’t know is that Carl Creel has already bonded with a smidge of Gravitonium and has basically been driven mad. So the already unstable Ruby becoming Gravitonium Girl is just a bad idea. But that’s exactly what happens. This season on Agents of SHIELD, the series has done a really good job of introducing easy to hate, totally badass female villains that you just really want to see take a beat down from our heroes. I mean, weren’t we all just dying to see the ball wielding Kree Sinara take an epic Smackdown from either May or Daisy?
And now Ruby has been built up to the same levels of love to hate. She was responsible for the loss of Yo Yo’s arms and this week, Ruby is gleefully torturing both Fitz and Simmons in order to get the tech ready to bond her with Gravitonium. You just don’t torture Fitz and Simmons, dammit!
Thankfully, Daisy, May, and their team are on their way to save their fellow agents. Yo Yo has already escaped and is trying to get her arms to work in conjunction with her speed powers, but with Daisy on the scene, the main event of Quake versus Ruby is imminent…..
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