Life is just too short to waste it with the wrong girl. If you love your life and value your time, then you shouldn’t waste your time being with a woman who isn’t worth your time.
Remember, marrying a wrong woman is like sacrificing your happiness for life… As a lady reading this, you are advised to changed if you see yourself doing any of the 14 things listed below if you truly love the man OR free the man and let him find his own Woman.

Here are 14 warning signs she isn’t worth your time
1. A woman who is a chronic complainer isn’t worth your time. She will definitely drive you crazy with her excessive complains.

2. If she doesn’t like the real you, then she isn’t worth your time. You deserve to be with a woman who loves the real you and doesn’t make you pretend to be who you are not.
3. She isn’t worth your time if you aren’t yourself when around her because you are scared of losing her. She makes you feel like you are walking on eggshells with her constant criticism.
4. She isn’t worth your time if she never apologises or takes responsibility. If she can’t admit she made a mistake, she isn’t mature enough to be in a relationship.
5. She isn’t worth your time if she never has time for you. A woman who is interested in a man will make time for him.
6. She isn’t worth your time if you have nothing in common with her. You need something that connects the both of you.
7. If she never defends you in public and she constantly makes fun of you, then she isn’t worth your time. A woman who truly wants to be with you will always have your back.
8. A woman who can’t stay faithful isn’t worth your time. You deserve better.

9. She isn’t worth your time if she’s sweet today and cold tomorrow.
10. If the communication is one-sided, then she isn’t worth your time. Communication in a healthy relationship should be a two-way street.
11. She isn’t worth your time if everything is always about her. Save yourself the stress and leave.
12. She isn’t worth your time if she can’t stop talking about her ex. This means she hasn’t gotten over him and you could just be a rebound boyfriend.
13. She isn’t worth your time if she doesn’t trust you. No relationship can grow without trust.
14. She isn’t worth your time if she is rude to people around her. If she’s rude to others today, she will definitely treat you the same way in future.