For 2021…

You will need 7 Masteries

Or 7 Competencies

Or 7 Skills

2021 will be a tougher year.

Only Masters will survive.

The next 10 years will be a revolutionary decade.

The world will evolve. Fully. It will go Digital. There will be 5G and 6G and 7G.

The Internet Of Things will be completed.

The disparity between the rich and the poor will widen.

There will be no middle class.

You will either be poor or rich.

Money will become purely digital. Bitcoin. Altcoin. Tokens. Community Coin.

I mean the real money will be Digital.

Money will become value exchange.

Money will be shared only within communities. Virtual, especially.

Money will be made only based on:

The Value you create

The Value you add

The Problems you solve

The Solutions you provide through your expertise

The Products and services you will be able to sell

The wealth formula for the next 10 years will be 👇🏾


V – Value

V – Volume

F – Frequency

Create VALUE. Think in terms of VOLUME. And do this FREQUENTLY.

So for 2021, you have got to understand the following differences:

1. Information
2. Education
3. Knowledge
4. Application
5. Mastery/Skill

INFORMATION : Value Data. Usable bits. You will make progress these next 10 years based on the updates and useful information you have access to.

EDUCATION : Organized information put together by dead people and taught mostly in our schools. The certificate will give you some access. But formal education is not enough.

KNOWLEDGE : Knowledge is Sequential, Structured, Functional and Relevant information

The persons who will help you transform information to knowledge is called Teacher.

There are 3 kinds of Teachers you should be having:

1. Role Models
2. Mentors
3. Coaches

Role Models have your gifts in advance state or your idea in advance state.

You know role models but they don’t know you.

Role Models are Living Knowledge

You observe them and learn from them from a distance.

Mentors are similar to role models but they have a relationship with you

You know them and they know you.

The difference between a role model and a mentor in your life is the relationship you have with the mentor

Coaches don’t necessarily have the qualities you have but have the ability to bring the best in you.

You know the coach. And the coach knows you.

The Coach may not have your expertise or Vision but he is positioned to bring out the best in you.

While a Mentor and Role Model will INSPIRE you. A Coach will INSTRUCT you
These 3 Teachers help you convert Information into Knowledge

Your information about life is not enough. This information needs to be organized, structured, and epitomized by these 3 Teachers.


The world rarely pays you for what you know. They pay you for what you do.

The world admires professors but they pay professionals.

Professors accumulate knowledge. Professionals apply knowledge.


This is where we are going

Information, education, knowledge and application are quite important…. But none will help you in the next 10 years more than Mastery

Your certificate will give you access for the job interview

Your KNOWLEDGE will give you the Job.

But it’s your SKILL that will give you promotion and keep you at the job when the going is tough or when the organization is downsizing.

In the next 10 years, there will be

A lot of mergers and acquisition


Technological advances and innovation

Artificial intelligence taking human jobs.

You need

Survival Skills
Navigation Skills &
Global Skills.


You will need to have a SKILL RANGE

So that no matter what happens, you have another skill to select and survive.

You will also need a SKILL SET

SKILL RANGE means multiple But DIFFERENT SKILLS . SKILL SETS means multiple but COMPLIMENTARY skills

Skill is Application done repeatedly

Skill is application done habitually

Skill is taking consistent actions with improvement at the back of your mind

Skill is really not consistency. Skill is consistency in improvement

So as I conclude, let’s look at the 7 Masteries

These 7 Masteries are not information, education, knowledge or one off application.

These 7 Masteries are Skills and Competencies.

Between 2021 and 2030 master them

Mastery 1: Visioneering

VISIONEERING is The ability to Convert Thoughts To Things.

It’s the engineering of visions into reality.

It’s the ability to make what you have in your mind get to your hand

It’s all that goes into

& Actualization

Do you have ideas and make them real?

How often do you get this done?

On scale of 1 – 10 how do you rate yourself in terms of making your ideas happen(Visioneering)

Mastery 2: Communication

Communication is your ability to


Mastery 3: Leadership

Leadership as a skill will help you multiply your success

Leadership is your ability to duplicate or replicate your effort and multiply your results through team work.

Leadership is influence that leads to affluence.

Leadership is effective delegation . Effectively matching roles with talents.

Leadership is reproduction . Reproducing yourself

Mastery 4: Selling

In the next 10 years, you will want to master selling.

You won’t make money if you don’t sell.

Don’t master selling to one person. Master selling to many

One to One. One to Many.

One to One is one-on-one Prospecting. One to Many is very often Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is must learn and master for the next 10 years.

Take all your projects and businesses online.

There will be many more diseases like Covid-19.

Virtual Connections and Marketing will save you from bankruptcy.

Also, you want to master branding , packaging and promotions the tripartite strategies for business success

Mastery 5: Financial Intelligence & Mastery

Mastery 6: Goal Setting & Activity Management

Mastery 7: Personal Mastery

What does personal Mastery mean?

It means Personal Discovery + Personal Development

It means handling your emotions

Personal Mastery is a skill not readily available and so anyone who has it, will be hot 🎂 cake!

How do you handle situations?

How do you handle disappointment?

How do you handle success?

Do you allow success to get into your head or failure to attack your heart?

So these are the 7 Masteries:

1. Visioneering
2. Communication
3. Leadership
4. Selling
5. Financial Intelligence and Mastery
6. Goal Setting & Activity Management
7. Personal Mastery

Scale yourself 1 to 10.

1 being poor and 10 being excellent.

Determine where you are at the moment.

Then make up your mind that the year 2021 is the year of Upgrade

For example, if you are on 4 in Visioneering, make up your mind to step up to 6 or 7

Look for books on all these 7.

Look for mentors in these 7 areas.

Attend virtual and physical training in these 7 areas.

Above all commit your ways to the Lord in these 7 areas and depend on Him.

This information is to be shared for our children and siblings, our colleagues and friends.
Things are going to change rapidly and we
must not be caught napping.
A word is enough for the wise.


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