Movie Update: Download Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 7

Titled: “Invasion!”

The grand finale of the four-way crossover concludes with a literal bang.

The CW’s epic DC crossover is over — and it finished with a superhero extravaganza well worth the wait.

As soon as Lyla mentioned the Dominators had been to Earth before, in 1951, I knew (and I’m assuming many of you did, too) the Legendsinstallment would inevitably take characters to 1951. (It was either that, or traveling way into the future to talk to Future Barry and find out exactly what his message meant. But that seemed unlikely, even if seeing Grant Gustin in old-age makeup would have been a fun sight.) And so they did, as soon as the gang regrouped in the hangar and Nate brought up the first mission the Dominators carried out.

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Felicity and Cisco, both eager to travel through time and, in the latter’s case, get away from Barry, join Nate, Maya, and Mick on the ship to kidnap and interrogate a Dominator to figure out how to stop them in 2016. And by “join,” I mean they geek out inside the ship but are told to remain behind while the Legends head to the site of the invasion. While there, Nate’s all dressed up in his new costume that Mick immediately calls out for being a sartorial celebration of July 4th, but Independence Day is actually happening in front of their eyes. The Dominators have descended in Redmond, Oregon, and are taking out soldiers so quickly, even Mick’s hesitant to get in on the action. And when has that ever happened?

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Once the Dominators start retreating, though, Mick spies an opportunity to grab one and go. They successfully knock the Dominator out, but before they get a chance to celebrate, they’re knocked out by a team of suits led by a spectacled man who looks oddly like…

The government suit who talked back at Lyla in 2016 and is now surrounding Oliver, Barry, Sara, and Ray when they get called to meet the new (female!) president. Kara’s not there because, well, Ollie got all “unnerved” and decided he’d rather her stay back in the hangar — he just wants a sense of “normalcy” and she’s not “normal” and blah blah blah…….

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Download and Enjoy below.


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