Titled: “Detoured on Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell”
In order to save Lizzie and Josie, Stefan makes a deal with the devil … literally
Before we get into tonight’s episode, let’s start with the rather ironic episode title…
“Detoured on Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell”: This is a quote from none other than Caroline Forbes in the season 1 episode “Let the Right One In,” otherwise known as the one where the tomb vampires capture Stefan, a storm hits Mystic Falls, and Caroline accidentally discovers Vicki’s body … after being detoured on some random backwoods path to hell. Only, the way this title applies to tonight’s episode is much more literal seeing as how the entire thing is about trying to avoid the path to, well, hell.
The hour kicks off with the search to find Lizzie and Josie, who are currently enjoying banana splits at a diner with Seline. (At least she gives you ice cream before she hands you over to the devil, right?) Oh yeah, that’s her plan by the way. When Sybil and Damon arrive, they’re quick to figure it out: In order to make up for the fact that Seline let her sister rot in a vault for hundreds of years — she had to blend in to avoid capture by the Armory — she’s come up with a plan to offer the twins to Cade in exchange for their freedom. Technically, her original plan allowed the girls to grow up a bit, but thanks to Sybil’s escape, Seline’s cover has been blown. (Also, how long did she think they’d need a nanny?)….
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