MOVIE: Download ‘LETHAL WEAPON’ Season 1, Episode 12

This week’s Lethal Weaponfix, “Brotherly Love,” isn’t as testosteroney as its predecessors, but that’s mostly because Murtaugh is suffering from a defective pacemaker and needs to take it easy. Of course, when your partner is an adrenaline junky with a death wish and a penchant for making rules up as he goes … there won’t be much R&R on the agenda.

Riggs and Murtaugh go up against their most frightening adversary yet: Trish Murtaugh. Trish’s client, Dino Brant, is hauled to the precinct because blood found at the scene of an attempted robbery matches his DNA. The DNA sample is dirty and Riggs conveniently forgot to get a warrant before searching the suspect’s work locker, so Trish is not about to let the robbery charge stick. Instead, Riggs’ blurting problem outs Murtaugh to Trish and lots of humor and love ensue.

Only an Idiot Would Try to Steal a Car From the Police Impound Lot

A guard interrupts a kid breaking into the impound lot, leaving behind a sample of his blood and not much else. No one gets killed, but Murtaugh and Riggs find an ungodly amount of blow hidden behind the door panels of the beat up car. A fake tow truck steals the car right out from under their nose, which they don’t realize until the real tow guy shows up. (Six minutes into the show and we’re getting a car chase. Excellent.)

The stress of the chase is taken to an entirely different level when Murtaugh, sitting in the passenger seat, has some seriously intense chest pain for the second time that day, and it looks like he might be in big trouble. Riggs forgets the car chase and gets his buddy to the hospital. Murtaugh elicits a double dog swear from Riggs that he will not breathe a word of this to the boss or to Trish. (Uh oh. That’s never good.)

Brotherly Love Between Partners and a 15 Year Grudge

Cooler than cool throughout the episode is watching Riggs being protective of Murtaugh. They’ve almost got the “old married couple” thing happening between them. Clearly the episode is about more than the love between the related suspects. Riggs orchestrates an afternoon of paperwork for his partner who ends up having to face the evidence room Czar, Monty, who has a 15 year grudge against him.

Murtaugh had been Monty’s training officer back in the day, finding Monty just short of useless. Apparently, Monty sucked at being a cop, so Murtaugh did everything in his power to keep him off the streets except as a traffic cop. Only recently has he moved up in the world to manning the evidence room.

As a result of this grudge, Monty is in no mood to do any favors for Murtaugh, accusing him of black-on-black crime……………………………………


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