Funny List: 15 Things That Every Salary Earner Can Relate To… No. 4 Is Epic!

Money is slow to come and quick to go.

That’s something every salary earner knows. The money just disappears right before your very eyes. Here are 15 things that every salary earner will definitely relate to.

1. When it’s the end of the month and you’ve not gotten your salary alert yet


2. And your account is practically empty


3. When you finally get the alert


4. But you remember that the money you’re owing people is more than your salary


5. How you eat when you just get paid


6. And this is you throughout the first week of the month


7. After you pay your gbese and your money has finished


8. When your friends invite you to hang out and you have to lie that you’re sick


9. You when someone asks you for money


10. When someone brings aso ebi for you to buy


11. When you tell someone you’re broke and you need some cash and they say ‘Shebi they just paid you’


12. Your face when the bank deducts ‘SMS charges’ from your account that’s already empty


13. How you think about all the foolish things you spent money on


14. You desperately waiting for the month to end before you die


15. When your next salary comes and you repeat the cycle all over again

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