Series Updates: Download This Is Us Season 2, Episode 4

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Download This Is Us Season 2, Episode 4 titled ” Still there”

Two episodes ago, This Is Us dug into the tense dynamic between Rebecca and Kate, scrutinizing their relationship both in the past and the present day. This week in “Still There,” we’re provided with a potent reminder that Rebecca comes from an even more dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship — and it’s one that we get to watch play out at its ugliest.

This week’s foray into the past is framed around the return of Rebecca’s controlling and — to put it mildly — traditional mother, Janet (Elizabeth Perkins). She visits during a snowstorm, after Rebecca lets her know that both young Kate and Kevin have chicken pox, and that Randall — on doctor’s orders — will soon be next. (They’d rushed to a hospital from a video rental store — nostalgia factor! — where Rebecca revealed herself to be a fan of Broadcast News, Patrick Swayze, and John Travolta.)



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