Series Updates: Download The Flash Season 4, Episode 2

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Download The Flash Season 4, Episode 2 titled “Mixed Signals” First, a little recap…….


The Flash‘s tonal correction continues in the season’s second episode, which might be the funniest and most fun outing in quite some time. Writers Jonathan Butler and Gabriel Garza mine a lot of humor — and heart — out of the couple drama at the center of the quippy and banter-filled “Mixed Signals,” which is overflowing in charm. Let’s dive in!

The great thing about the couple drama in tonight’s episode is that it doesn’t drag the story down. In fact, it’s one of the episode’s main sources of humor. First up, we have Barry and Iris, who are adjusting to the new status quo. Barry is living his best life now that he’s freed from the Speed Force and spends his morning reenacting that Risky Business scene, cooking breakfast, handling the wedding plans on his own, and catching up on six months’ worth of television. He’s just happy to be back and expects things to go back to normal — but we know that’s not the case.

The first sign of tension in Barry and Iris’ relationship comes when Barry reveals that he canceled that evening’s training session without telling her. Caitlin observes this little exchange and suggests to Iris that she and Barry might need to see a couples counselor to help them navigate this new status quo, i.e. being engaged and working together. Iris brushes off that suggestion — they’re Barry and Iris! — but Barry’s subsequent performance in the field changes her mind.




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