Download The Gifted Season 1, Episode 6 below.. First, a little recap…
If you’re like me, then after the last few episodes you’re probably thinking, “Jeez, is this stuff with Blink and John and the implanted memory ever actually going to go to anywhere??” Based on tonight’s episode, I can now say that the most up-to-date answer is: Kind of? Maybe? We’ll see!
Basically, after teleporting away in a huff last week in response to John and Dreamer lying to her about the fake memory, Blink hasn’t gotten very far. She’s mostly just walking around empty apartments, burning her hands on soup. That’s where John finds her, with the help of his handy-dandy tracking abilities. After learning that Blink set off to find out why her portal storm earlier in the season kept opening to a random country road, John decides to help her with her quest of self-discovery — both because she’s too vulnerable to Sentinel when she’s out on her own, and because maybe (just maybe) he’s starting to feel some feelings for her………
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