Download WWE RAW 2017.12.26 {John Cena returns, Special Christmas Night edition of RAW}

LAST RAW OF 2017…….

John Cena opening segment

John Cena’s music hits and he walks out to a thunderous ovation. Crowd with the “John Cena sucks” chants. Very loud reaction at first.

Cole reminds us that RAW is commercial free for the first hour. Lucky me.

John Cena grabs the microphone and says there is something wrong in this picture. He walks out to see a fan and tells him that he’s wearing the wrong color shirt. John gives his gear to a fan with a disability. Cena wishes the crowd a Merry Christmas. A “Merry Christmas” chant breaks. John Cena says this is the very first time we hear this chant. Crowd cheers.

Cena says that the WWE is his home and they are his family. Like a typical family, they’ve had ups and downs. Cheers to the good times and bad times. Cheers for a special day like today seeing all of us together.

Elias’ guitar plays and he makes his way out. Elias starts playing on his guitar. “John, do you even know what WWE stands for?” “Walk With Elias!” Cena is smiling. Elias has a question for everyone. “Who wants to talk with Elias?” A Yes chants breaks. Cena says “Yes, I’ll walk with Elias.”

Elias says that for months, he’s been getting interrupted. Then a CM Puck chant breaks. Elias says “It’s for damn sure that CM Punk won’t interrupt me!”

Elias says he will perform here tonight and another “CM Punk” chant breaks. Elias says he will perform tonight uninterrupted. Cena is trying to tell Elias something and Elias is not letting him finish. Funny segment so far. Cena grabs the high chair and bring sit in the ring for Elias to sit on. Lights go off and Elias tells them fans to turn off the cell phones and to shut their mouths. He has a special song for everybody. More “CM Punk” chants break. Elias starts singing a Christmas song by insulting the crowd and Chicago. John Cena tells him to stop and to turn on the lights. Cena was trying to tell him not to say anything bad about Chicago. Cena says the crowd is dressed for the occasion and chanting. Cena says that every song Elias has he calls the people in the crowd jerks. Cena tells him that they’re not the jerks, he’s being the jerk. Crowd chants “Yes”. Elias says he never thought of it that way. Maybe Cena is right, maybe Elias is a jerk. He said that he will try the song again if Chicago gives him a second chance.

“It’s Christmas time in Chicago.. it’s Christmas day, I can’t imagine a better place to spend my Holidays.” John continues “So Have yourself, a Merry little..” bang, Elias with a punch on Cena. Cena goes down. Elias stands on top of Cena and says he doesn’t play for him and that Christmas is overrated, and so is Chicago.

Elias is walking away, Cena is attempting to get back up, then Elias runs and kicks him again. Elias challenges Cena right now. He calls for a referee.


Yes, commercials in the first hour. Maybe it’s only here in Canada. U.S. fans get no commercials I am assuming.

John Cena vs. Elias

Elias is on the top rope and jumps, stomps Cena and covers, 1,2 but Cena kicks out. Elias tried to work on the arm of Cena. Elias hangs Cena upside down on the turn buckle. Elias goes up the top rope, but this time missed the jump and Cena clotheslines him down. Both men are down. Both men exchange blows. Back breaker by Elias, 1,2 but Cena powers out. Elias knocks Cena back down. Elias has been more dominate in this match so far. Powerbomb by Elias, 1,2 and Cena kicks out.


Yes, another commercial break here in Canada.

Elias is still in control of the match. Cena is down. Backbreaker by Elias, 1,2 and Cena kicks out again. Elias tries to go for another backbreaker, but Cena counters it into an STF. Elias escapes and delivers a knee to the face of Cena. They exchange a few moves, then Cena applies the STF again. Elias escapes again. Elias delivers an elbow. Crowd chants “This is boring!” Cena does a couple of shoulder tackles. 5 knuckle shuffle, followed by the AA and Cena gets the 1,2,3.

Winner: John Cena

Backstage, Cena is hanging something on the Christmas tree. Jason Jordon wishes Kurt a Merry Christmas. Seth Rollins interrupts. They start arguing over who will face Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle says that The Bar always show up when they try to settle something with Joe. He tells them to face The Bar. They disagree and start arguing. Kurt makes the match, Jason Jordan and Seth Rollins vs Cesaro and Sheamus for the RAW tag titles.

Roman Reigns shows up and Kurt makes another match. Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe for the Intercontinental Title.

Jack Gallagher and Brian Kendrick are in the ring being interviewed by Charly.

Cruiserweight Division
Hideo Itami vs. The Brian Kendrick

Both men exchanging blows at first. Itami takes control by delivering a couple of kicks to the back, followed by a kick to the spine.


Directly after returning from commercial, Itami delivers the go to sleep knee strike and gets the 1,2,3.

They replay it slowly, seems like Kendrick got the kick hard enough to bleed.

Winner: Hideo Itami

A video package concerning Stephanie McMahon’s announcement from last week about the WWE Women’s Royal Rumble was played. Backstage we have Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel interacting with Mickie James, Sasha Banks and Bayley. They sing the women a song praising The Miz who is away. All three women are speechless as they leave. Dallas and Axel wish them a Merry Mizmas.

Absolution vs. Bayley, Mickie James and Sasha Banks

Deville and Bayley in the ring as Sasha is tagged in. A double suplex and a quick kick out by Deville. Deville rolls out of the ring and a big clothesline on Sasha Banks. Back in the ring, Paige is tagged in. A running high knee as a quick tag gets Mandy in. Forearms by Mandy Rose onto Sasha Banks. Sasha trying to make the tag but she’s dragged back by Mandy. Sonya Deville back in as a “Let’s go Sasha” chant from the crowd. Paige tagged into the ring and a sleeper applied. Mandy tagged in and a running kick onto Sasha. She goes for the cover but a 2 count. A modified body stretch submission by Mandy onto Sasha. Banks with an arm roll take down as she goes for the tag but Mandy blocks the tag. Sasha throws Mandy onto Paige and onto the outside of the ring.

Sasha tags Bailey in and her in Paige are now the two legal contestants in the match. Bailey exploding on Paige. A Bailey to Belly onto Paige but Deville grabs Paige out of the ring and all six women are fighting outside of the ring. Bailey and Paige back in the ring and Bailey goes for the elbow drop from the top rope but Paige kicks Bailey off and delivers the RamPaige as she gets the pinfall for her team.

Winners: Absolution

Renee Young is backstage with Samoa Joe and she asks if he has any remorse as to what he did to Dean Ambrose last week. Samoa Joe says not at all and that it gives Ambrose time to spend with his loved ones, Renee doesn’t look impressed (as she is married to Ambrose). Joe goes on to say he will be the new Intercontinental champion.

Michael Cole talks about Dean Ambrose’ injury and says that Ambrose could be out of action for approximately nine months.


Kane vs. Heath Slater w/ Rhyno

*Keep in mind, Rhyno wants to toughen up Heath Slater*

Kane takes Slater to the corner and hammers away. One arm sidewalk slam by Kane. Slater is now on the outside. Rhyno tells Slater to get in that ring and show him how tough he is. Kane throws him back into the outside. Rhyno is trying to toughen him up by telling him to get back in that ring. “He’s got kids” chant from the crowd. Slater in the ring tried to fight back, but Kane takes him down. Chokeslam by Kane for the 1,2,3.

After the match, Kane tried to attack Rhyno, but Rhyno fights back and attempts to deliver the Gore, but Kane catches him with a chokeslam.

Winner: Kane


Curt Hawkins cuts a promo in the ring and the fans start the “What?!” chant. He says that he feels a Christmas miracle in the air here tonight. He issues an open challenge for whoever wants to come down that Chimney and step into his living room. After that his 146th match losing streak comes to an end.

Curt Hawkins vs. Finn Balor

Balor in control early in the match. Curt tried a couple of roll-up pins, but Balor kicks out. Balor drives Curt into the corner. Balor on the top rope, Coup de Grâce, and gets the 1,2,3.

Winner: Finn Balor


Dallas and Curtis Axel are backstage once more, this time with Goldust. They sing another MizMas song. Goldush looks annoyed as they hand him a “Santa’s Little Helper” movie DVD with The Miz on the cover. They both walk away as Titus O’Neil is seen backstage and Goldust hands him the DVD and tells him Merry Christmas.

Bray Wyatt is seen on the screen cutting a promo as he says “Chicago, I’m here” and he makes his way to the ring. Wyatt gets in the ring and just as the lights go on, Matt Hardy is in the ring and attacks him. Wyatt rolls out of the ring as a loud “Delete” chants erupts. Matt gets on the microphone and just says a lot of “Ah’s” and “Oh’s”.

Backstage, Sheamus and Cesaro are backstage talking about their match later tonight. Sheamus gives Cesaro a Christmas gift. Cesaro opens the card first and it reads “We don’t just set the bar, we are the bar”. Cesaro opens the gift and Sheamust has given him a Dean Ambrose action figure. Cesaro laughs and says it’s the authentic one with the missing arm as the action figure is missing a left arm. Cesaro gives Sheamus a gift. He opens it and gives him a Seth Rollins action figure. Sheamus says he can’t wait to break it just like he will break the real Seth later tonight. There’s a second gift in there. Sheamus takes it out and it’s Jason Jordan. Sheamus says he doesn’t want it. Cesaro says Seth Rollins doesn’t want Jason Jordan as a tag team partner and Kurt Angle doesn’t want him as a son either. They both laugh.

The Miracle on 34th street fight with the 205 competitors is up next as the Raw crew is seen setting up cookies and Christmas trees at ringside.

205 Cruiserweight Match
Enzo Amore, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari vs. Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa

Chaos everywhere with Christmas boxes and a Christmas tree being utilized in the match. Cedric and Gulak are in the ring and Cedric uses a candy kane on Gulak and takes him out. In comes Daivari and Alexander delivers the Lumbar Check for the win.

Winners: Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa


Backstage, Enzo runs into Nia Jax and she wishes him a Merry Christmas. They look up and they’re under a mistletoe. He asks her how she’s doing as they go for a kiss but Alexa Bliss interrupts and she tells Nia she really has to talk to her about the first ever Women’s Royal Rumble match. Both Nia and Enzo look disappointed as they walk away.

Renee Young is backstage with Roman Reigns. Reigns says he doesn’t care what Samoa Joe said. He says tonight is about Dean Ambrose and that he will send a message to Samoa Joe. If he hurts one of his brothers, he will hurt him.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Roman Reigns (c) vs. Samoa Joe

The match starts off with Roman Reigns absolutely destroying Samoa Joe. Roman heads to the outside of the ring and delivers a drive by. Roman gets back in the ring and a dazed Joe tries fighting back. A loud “Let’s go Roman, Roman sucks” chant from the crowd. A back drop from Joe as he goes for the cover but a 2 count as Reigns kicks out.


Both men are inside the ring exchanging right hands. Superman punch by Roman as he goes for the cover but a 2 count only! Reigns up first as he goes for the spear but Joe kicks him in the face. The Coquina Clutch on Reigns and Reigns is down. Roman looks like he’s fading but Roman makes it to the ropes.

Roman rolls to the outside of the ring but Joe jumps through the ropes onto the outside. Roman looks like he hurt his left arm. Back in the ring, Joe with an arm bar as he applies pressure to Roman’s left arm. Reigns fighting out of it. Roman stomping on Joe in the corner of the ring. The referee tries to break it up but Reigns continues. The referee rings the bell as Samoe Joe wins by disqualification. Reigns delivers a superman punch on Samoa Joe.

On the outside of the ring, Reigns with another superman punch taking Joe out. Reigns continuing the beat down on Joe. Reigns hits Joe with the steel steps. Still with the steel steps, he hits Joe a second time taking him down. Reigns grabs a steel chair and he goes to hit Joe with it who was leaning on the ring post but Joe moves out of the way. Referees break it up.

Winner Via Disqualification: Samoa Joe

Backstage, Rollins is watching the beat down with a smile on his face. Jason Jordan enters the locker room and Rollins tells him he’s teaming with him tonight for two reasons. The first being because he owes his dad Kurt Angle a favor after he bailed himself out and the second because he has a score to settle with Sheamus and Cesaro. Jordan says he is excited to be teaming with him tonight. Jordan says Rollins has to admit, he makes a good replacement for Dean Ambrose. Rollins tells him no matter how good he thinks he is, he will never be Dean Ambrose. Jordan says he will be even better.


The Miztourage vs. Bruan Strowman

The Miztourage are in the ring. And they are excited because Kurt Angle told them they have a Secret Santa match. They started singing Jingle Bells as Braun Strowman’s song hits. The bell rings and Strowman with a clothesline takes Dallas down. Strowman throws Bo Dallas around the ring. He grabs Curtis Axel off the ring apron and throws him onto Dallas. Strowman man handling both of them. He delivers a running powerslam on Bo Dallas. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count.

Winner: Braun Strowman


Alexa Bliss and Asuka Segment

Alexa Bliss is in the ring. She wishes everyone a Merry Blissmass. She is giving everyone the gift of a Godess. She says 2017 was her year and then goes on to talk about the first ever women’s Royal Rumble. She tells everyone “You’re welcome” because everything has happened because of her. She’s the gift that keeps on giving. Asuka’s music hits. Asuka says she has entered the Royal Rumble and she will win because nobody is ready for Asuka. A staredown between the two women as Asuka delivers the Buzzsaw Kick.


WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will be on Raw next week.

WWE RAW Tag Team Championships
The Bar (c’s) vs. Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan starts the match with Sheamus. An early take down from Jordan as he has his arms wrapped around Sheamus. Sheamus grabs the ropes and distracts the referee as Cesareo knees Jordan. Both men in the ring as Rollins comes in and cleans out. A suicide dive by Rollins onto the outside as Cesaro and Sheamus are out on the outside of the ring.


Back from commercial, Cesaro has Rollins in a headlock. Rollins stands up with Cesaro on his back as he tries to make the tag but Cesaro throws Rollins into the corner. He tags Sheamus in who starts stomping on Rollins. Sheamus throws Rollins to the outside of the ring. Cesaro with a clothesline onto Rollins. Jordan on the outside of the ring attacks Cesaro but Sheamus attacks him as they btoh throw Jordan onto the barricade. Back in the ring, Sheamus sends Cesaro into the corner and Rollins hits Cesaro. He turns around and takes Sheamus down. He goes to tag Jordan but Jordan is still out. Cesaro attacks Rollins and goes for the cover but a 2 count. Sheamus the legal man as he gets tagged in. They double team Rollins and go for the cover but he kicks out.

Rollins statts fighting back and takes Cesaro out. Jordan jumps into the ring and clotheslines Sheamus. Rollins makes the tag. He takes down both Sheamus and Cesaro. He throws Jordan into the ring corner, lifts him up and does it again. A running spear into the corner. He delivers an overhead suplex, goes for the cover but Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus tags Cesaro in and they double team Jordan. Cesaro delivers the sharpshooter in the middle of the ring. Rollins attacks Sheamus on the ring apron. He goes in the ring as Cesaro breaks the sharpshooter and throws Rollins out. He turns around and attacks Jordan. He tags Sheamus in. They double team Jordan as Rollins gets in the ring. A super kick by Rollins takes Cesaro out. Sheamus attacks Rollins and throws him out. The texas cloverleaf by Sheamus on Jordan. Jason Jordan reaches the ropes as Sheamus lets go. He tags Cesaro in. They try another double team but Rollins breaks it up. Cesaro, Sheamus and Rollins all outside. Cesaro rolls into the ring as Jordan delivers a belly to back neckbreaker. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count! Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan are the new Raw Tag Team champions!

Winners and new WWE RAW Tag Team Champions: Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan!!!

Download and Enjoy below!!!


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