Series Updates: Download The Flash Season 4, Episode 22

Episode Info:

What an incredible turnaround from the insipid nonsense of “Harry and the Harrisons” to this week’s opening moments. The first few minutes of “Think Fast” were the best looking, most imaginative, downright cinematic of the entire season. For the first time all year we got a true sense of the scope of DeVoe’s powers, and the genuine menace that Neil Sandilands can project as the character. Excellent special effects, an truly inventively staged action sequence, and finally, DeVoe felt like a villain worthy of this show.

It was great.

And then it all went to hell. Again.

All that goodwill was immediately squandered by the show’s insistence on playing Harry’s mental decline for nothing but laughs in another seemingly endless sequence of alleged comedy, centering on Iris’ “all-important” blog…which ends up not even being all that important. This is a beloved character played by a series regular who is integral to the fabric of the show. But Harry’s arc is perplexing. It’s not particularly tragic, and the humor isn’t funny. How are we supposed to feel about this? Because the only thing I feel is annoyed, especially when he’s walking around bellowing for “West-Allen.”

As if this wasn’t enough, we’re then brought into another therapy session, this time involving Caitlin. There is no well more dry than the “superhero in therapy and the therapist is trying to offer straight diagnoses for extraordinary problems” gag. This whole thing was barely funny when it was couples’ therapy early in the season, and the fact that we’re still spending time here in the second to last episode of the season is astounding.

And once again, as it was last week, Caitlin’s pining for Killer Frost is simplistic nonsense and a disservice to the journey we’ve seen this character take over the last four years. I fear that whatever nonsensical addition to her origin story we were teased with tonight will only serve to undermine Caitlin’s character even further.


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