Ready Player One brings back a little of the Old Spielberg Magic. No, this isn’t on the level of aClose Encounters of the Third Kind, a Raiders of the Lost Ark, or an E.T. Instead, it’s akin toJurassic Park: a special effects-laden action/adventure movie based on a popular novel. WhileReady Player One isn’t as groundbreaking as the director’s 1993 dino-fest, it’s no less as ambitious in terms of how it uses computer generated imagery. The popular term “eye candy” seems insufficient to describe what’s on offer here.
In fact, the movie is so strongly reliant on the visual element, it almost demands a big screen where the spectacle of the experience can make narrative weaknesses seem insignificant.Ready Player One is intended to be immersive and that kind of immersion that can’t be obtained outside an auditorium with a big screen and a top-notch sound system. Don’t wait for video; it will lose a lot on a TV or (god forbid) a tablet/phone.
The film postulates a future (2045, to be precise) where the grim realities of widespread poverty and overpopulation have made real life a condition to be endured. People are more interested in escaping than coping and all they need to get away are VR equipment and a connection to the game world of OASIS. In this massive online universe, the brainchild of co-creators James Halliday (Mark Rylance) and Ogden Morrow (Simon Pegg), anything is possible. You can be whoever you want, do whatever you desire – as long as you can stay connected, that is.