Govern Your World

One thing that happens and will happen to all and sundry is naming ceremony. This practice is done globally because every parent believes that naming a child gives him/her an identity that makes the child stands out. Significantly, child naming makes one unique from siblings, peers, colleagues and the likes.

A key thing that happens to novices in school, is to learn to write “MYSELF”. Anyone who has gone through the basic stages of education will agree with me that in his/her early stages of schooling, he/she was taught how to write “MYSELF”, right? Also, Jesus commanded us to love our neighbours as OURSELVES. These two scenarios depict the importance of knowing yourself, your true identity. The first thing your teacher could have taught you was to write about your best friend, your parents, perhaps your hobbies. Also, Jesus could have commanded us to love our neighbours more than ourselves. Nevertheless, these two teachers focused on MYSELF and OURSELVES respectively because they were indirectly teaching us to consider ourselves first before any other thing.

Self-identity is what makes us stand tall in life in the midst of family, friends etc. Lack of knowledge about the essence of self-governance/self-identity is very dangerous that one should not be ignorant of.

Self-government, as it may be defined, is the original principle for personal leadership or it is a system in which people control their own affairs. Self-governance is free from external government control.

We were created to be leaders of our lives. The greatest, successful and perfect government on earth is self-government. Your passion, purpose, desires and anything that makes you is of much value than institutional government.

Social decay is as a result of lack of self-governance. You were born to manage and maximize your world and your resources will determine your world. By resources I mean your potentials, abilities, gifts and your uniqueness. These are resources and you have to utilize them because they will make you whole, being created in the likeness of God. The likes of Myles Munroe, Dr Martin Luther King Jnr, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates, Katherine Kuhlman and anyone you can think of, governed and are still governing your world with their resources. What are you doing with your resources?

Breaking principles of self-government result in public chaos. Africa, Ghana to be specific, will never develop if we don’t come to the realization of the essence of self-governance.

You are your own government, a leader of your own life, therefore arise, invest into your life to find your gifts, passion and purpose. Don’t be ignorant for you are the governor of your own life. Govern your world somebody.

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