Series Update: Download Agents of Shield Season 6 Episode 1 – Missing Pieces


Download Agents of Shield Season 6 Episode 1 – Missing Pieces

After saying goodbye to Coulson, most of the crew took off to go find Fitz’s cryo-pod in space. But when we pick up here, only Daisy, Simmons, Piper, and Davis are left on the space mission. Everyone else has gone back to Earth, where Mack is adjusting to his new role as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and trying to figure out why dimensional warp portals keep opening in seemingly random places.

When it comes to the space team, we see why they’ve had so much trouble finding Fitz: His spaceship was suddenly attacked by a spinning blast of energy. Daisy and Simmons don’t even come close to finding him until a year later, when they run into a gang of rough-looking D’Rillian aliens. Simmons is sparing no expense in the quest for Fitz: She and Daisy hang one of the D’Rillians upside down in chains until he points them in the direction of Fitz’s ship wreckage. The team is full of hope when they find Fitz’s cryo-pod inside, but unfortunately it’s empty now. It’s better than finding a dead body, but still a dead end. Davis and Piper have had more than enough of space by now, and are eager to return to Earth even without Fitz. Daisy agrees that they should at least take time to regroup and repair the Zephyr….

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Next Episode: May 17, 2019 – “Window of Opportunity” – While Fitz and Enoch struggle in space, Sarge and his team move forward with their mysterious mission on Earth….

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