The Inevitable Fear Of Man

Everyone fears something in life and I trust this is on the grounds that nobody has all knowledge in this world. Even the most powerful has a ton of fears that he may not disclose but would react when he comes in contact with it. We all fall heir to the influence of certain kinds of fear and I would be highlighting at least 4 major fears of man as introduced by Napoleon Hill in his book The Laws of Success.

Peniaphobia-The fear of poverty
When you see a typical poor human being who can barely fend for themselves, in terms of clothing, food or even the family, you fear being poor. You wouldn’t wish to be poor. The segregation is unsettling. Indeed it takes valor to come clean about the root or the origin of fear and still greater courage to acknowledge and accept the truth. The fear of poverty grew out of man’s inherited tendency to prey upon his fellow man economically. A man is considered less than the dust of the earth unless he can display a fat cheque or account. A man may commit murder, rape robbery or other manner of violations of the right of others just to guarantee that he makes riches and recapturing a high station in the psyches of others by ensuring that his wealth is secured and never diminishes. Poverty, in essence, is a crime and unforgivable sin. Man fears poverty and hence why It is no big surprise man fears poverty.

Ensiophobia -The fear of criticism
Just how man acquired the basic fear it would be hard, if not impossible, unquestionably to decide, however one thing is sure, he has it in very much well-developed form. Some believe that this fear made its appearance in the mind of a man about the time that politics came into existence. The fear of criticism takes many forms, the majority of which are pretty and trivial in nature. For example, bald-headed men are bald for no reason than their fear of criticism. Heads become bald because of the protection of hats with tight bands which cut off the circulation of the root of the hair. Mean wear hat not because they actually need them but because “everyone’s is doing it”. So the individual does it and falls in line to avoid criticism.

Philophobia -The fear of love
I didn’t think Love was this power until I became hopelessly enamored. Love is the most powerful things created under the sun. It power have driven people to do a lot of horrible things and even swept others off the surface of this earth. Love can happen in both men and women. Philophobia is an unwarranted and irrational fear of falling in love. By nature, all men are polygamous, the statement of truth which will, of course, bring denials from those who are either too old to function in a normal sexual way towards the plurality of the opposite sex. There can be nevertheless little uncertainty that envy and all other comparative types of pretty much gentle dementia that became out of man’s inherited fear of losing a loved or fear of losing your mind. People fear how they would react when they fall in love or the fear that the relations would bring bad luck.

Thanatopobia -The fear of death
Death is inevitable and everyone born of a woman will certainly die but when and how is what drives the fear of death to be the most feared of all. To many, this is the worst kind of fear. The horrendous aches of fear related to DEATH might be charged straightforwardly to religion and reality. Religion has distinctive clarification for death and where you would end up, however, I would prefer not to dig in further while the reality is what we see every day. ON the news, we see individuals bite the dust each day. For many years, individuals have questioned their origins and the more cunning and crafty as well as honest but credulous of the race have not had the capacity to offer strong responses to these inquiries. In truth, no man knows, and no man has ever known, what heaven or hell is and this very absence of unequivocal knowledge opens the entryway of the human personality the imposter to enter and control that mind with cunning, trickery and extortion. The biggest fear is not knowing where you will end up after death.

These are the main fear individual just cannot hide from. It’s something we face every day and we would until we leave this earth. You can control some but can’t control others. You may have to leave with it

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