FINALLY! Real Meaning Of ‘Sco Pa Tu Manaa’, Explained (Read HERE)

The real meaning of Sco pa tu manaa is “I’ll hit you” which originated from Hawaiian Language.

Sco pa tu mana surfaced online few months after the short break from “O jewa ka eng” which means “what is it that is bothering your soul” Twitter users were introduced to yet another hilarious phrase.

The phrase “So Pa Tu Manaa” has been trending on Twitter for a while now and everyone seems to be bothered about the actual meaning of the phrase since it’s being used in different contexts.

In this short article, I will explain the true meaning of Sco Pa Tu Manaa and how it is being used across Social Media.

What Does Sco Pa Tu Manaa Mean?

Let us break this question into two parts, first by explaining the phrase meaning in English and secondly by giving deep insights into its actual meaning as it is being used on social media.

The actual meaning of Sco Pa Tu Manaa is “What experience does this remind you of”, which can be translated to several other contexts around that.

Now, let us explore what the phrase Sco Pa Tu Manaa really means.

The use of this phrase is to get people to speak about their experience of anything they can imagine.

It has been used to talk about school, food, place, country, football player, restaurants, politicians, relationship and even users favorite influencers.

NB: There are different variations of the spelling which may prompt different meanings from different languages. Some of the examples are below;

In Malay language “Sco Pa Tu Mana” means “Where is that”

If spelt as Sco Pa Tu Ma naa it means “You’re gonna get a lot of money” in Hawaiian language

In the same Hawaiian language, Sco Pa Tu Ma na can be interpreted as “I’m sorry”

Sco Pa Tu Ma naa from Hawaiian language means “I’ll hit you”

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