8 Best Times To Drink Water To Stay Healthy

Water has no enemy goes the popular saying and when it comes to the wellbeing of the body, water surely plays important roles.

You might already be familiar with the recommendation to drink at least eight glasses of water daily in order to stay properly hydrated.

However, drinking eight glasses of water to stay hydrated is not enough, knowing the specific times that drinking water can actually boost your overall health and cognitive functioning is equally as important. Science shows that drinking water at the correct times of day can help to prevent common problems such as stomach pain, IBS, bloating, fatigue, overeating, high blood pressure, constipation, and even heart attack and stroke.

Keep reading to find out the right times of day to drink water.

First thing when you wake up 

To start your day, you should drink a glass of water right when you wake up because drinking water on an empty stomach is beneficial to your body both internally and externally. That early morning glass of water not only jumpstarts your brain and body out of sleep mode, it also gets rid of any toxins and stubborn free radicals that have accumulated in your circulatory system overnight. When next you have that glass of water first thing in the morning, remember that you are cleaning and purifying your body’s internal.

Drink water before a meal 

Drink one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion and keep your caloric intake in check. The water helps to prepare your intestines for the food coming in; water wakes up taste buds and moisturises the stomach lining so brittle or acidic foods won’t be uncomfortable. Drinking water before your meal also prevents over-eating.

Drink water before and after a workout

Depending on your body’s fluid levels at the time, you may need one or more glasses of water before you hit the gym to protect against dehydration during your workout. Keep yourself hydrated while exercising, but avoid drinking too much. After your workout, it’s important to drink a lot of water to replace the fluids lost through sweat and humidity.

Drink water before a bath

Drink one glass of water before taking a bath to help lower your blood pressure. The water should be warm to promote dilation of your blood vessels, which causes blood pressure to drop. Furthermore, drinking water dilutes sodium levels in the body, which further aids in lowering blood pressure.

Drink water before bedtime

An hour prior to bed will help you replenish any kind of fluid loss during sleep. If you are fully hydrated before going to bed and sleeping, you can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, as dehydration elevates the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. A heart attack occurs mostly in the morning because the blood is thicker due to loss of water But if you are patient of a kidney stone or heart problem, it is advised to avoid this glass. It may put extra pressure and weaken these organs.

Drink water when you are tired

Drinking a glass of water when you feel tired will help to power up your brain. Since your brain consists of 75% water, drinking a glass or two when you’re feeling sleepy will help to replenish your noggin’s fluid levels, and increase cognitive functioning.

Drink water when you are exposed to germs

If you have been around sick people, drink a little more water than usual to help wash away germs and viruses that your body may have picked up. A well-hydrated body encourages bacterial and viral invaders to move along so they don’t settle in and multiply in your system.

Drink more water when you are ill

When you’re sick, you need to drink plenty of fluids, including water, to get better.

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