The coronavirus is very real to all of us right now, with a total of 8 confirmed cases in the country, and the government advising Nigerians to observe social distancing.
So many across the country, with fevers and coughs, are sharing how they’re afraid they’ve already been infected with the virus, but, thanks to social media, we’re finally able to differentiate the coronavirus symptoms from those of the common flu.
Twitter user, @d_psycho_guru, a Nigerian living in the UK, has been infected with the virus, and she’s letting us all in on exactly what its symptoms her.
She’s giving us a day by day break down, starting from exactly how she got infected, and how the symptoms are progressing.
Sure, some of these symptoms are similar to what you’d get from the flu, others are very different.
See her thread:
I just tested positive to the corona virus. I’m too weak to even feel sorry for myself, but I intend to share my symptoms to allow people quickly identify and self-isolate immediately, to avoid infecting others. #COVID2019 #FightCOVID19 #COVID19
6th March: someone coughed into my face mistakenly, while speaking to me (yes run away from people that are coughing). I don’t know why the staff came to work knowing he had a cough.
9th: I had my first diarrhoea.
10th: I woke up on 10th with an uncomfortable throat. I felt like I had a film in my throat, but it wasn’t saw. Diarrhoea again. Also I felt bloated.Also, I felt dizzy while in the car; but this is normal, so it didn’t bother me. #Corvid19uk #covid19UK #coronavirus
11th: I woke up with puffy eyes. Like, actual SWOLLEN eyes. Sneezed a few, but hey that’s normal in the UK. Lost my appetite. A bit fatigued. Later at night, my coughing intensified.#COVID2019 #covid19UK #coronavirus
12th: my temperature soared to 40degs. I was coughing hysterically but there was no phlegm coming out. I started sneezing. My Voice sounded like I had a cold. I was weak and tired. My throat felt itchy. #coronavirus #covid19UK #COVID2019
13th: coughing & Sneezing intensified. Rib cage hurt. No appetite. Loss of breath. Temperature dropped to 36. Quite fatigued but went to the store for supplies (found none by the way, thanks Britain!). Couldn’t take deep breaths#coronavirus #COVID2019 #covid19UK
14th: woke up with a headache & extremely sore ribs from the coughing. Suspected a chest infection. Temperature rose back to 40. Coughed more. Sneezed more. Actually felt down. Voice sounded weak and flu-like. Couldn’t make a complete sentence w/o gasping.
15th: got admitted in hospital. Temp at 40deg. Coughed more. Sneezed hysterically. Was weak. Lost mobility. Was in pains (back, ribs). No appetite. Was extremely thirsty. X-ray showed chest infection. Got placed on antibiotics and painkillers. Voice sounded so weak and flu-like.
16th: felt ok. Coughing reduced drastically. Sneezed less. Was stronger. Worked from home. Couldn’t laugh cos rib still hurt. THIRSTY. Temp at 36-37. Slowly gained mobility. Voice still weak and flu-like. Throat felt better. #COVID2019 #coronavirus #covid19UK
17th: felt better. Walked faster. Extremely THIRSTY. Temp at 36. dizzy. Had more appetite. Had hallucinations. Temporary loss of recent memory. Couldn’t speak much. Vomited. Fatigued. No sense of taste or smell. No sneezing, coughed twice. Coughed up phlegm.
18th: Temp at 37. Well enough to type this and work from home. No sense of taste or smell. No appetite. Thirsty. Voice sounds weak and flu-like. Short breaths. Swollen eyes. Coughing up phlegm. Hurting eye socket.#COVID2019 #covid19UK #coronavirus
my symptoms were this severe, and my incubation period was shorter, because I have an underlying health condition. My healthy husband is very fine, just fatigue and occasional coughing. I will update this as I go.
It’s important to note that so many cases, especially in young people, may be asymptomatic, but they also will be contagious. Let’s continue to stay safe and not panic.