#BBNaija – Day 3: The Housemates Put Their Lockdown-Acquired Skills to Test & All Hail Masseuse Neo

Three days in Biggie’s House and the Lockdown housemates are already bonding and shipping.

In what seemed like new alliances formed in the House, the Lockdown Housemates went deeper in their quest to know one another. While Wathoni and Brighto bonded over pictures, Tochi and Lucy spent the night analyzing the cliques in the house.

Sanitize and chill

While the housemates were working hard to ace their get-to-know-me task of the week, Big Brother decided to put their lockdown-acquired skills to test. In addition to their creativity in making their own hand sanitizers and nose masks, the housemates were provided with necessary materials for this task.

For this challenge, they were required to split themselves into 4 groups, 5 on each team.

In this task, Biggie emphasized on the need to sanitize before the task and after they are done. There’s creativity in keeping safe.  Creativity seems to be the order of the day as the housemates unleashed their tailoring skills. Different shades on patterned nose masks as well as various sizes of hand-made hand sanitizers.

No holding back

The Housemates seemed to have saved the juiciest revelations for last as they spilt some interesting facts about themselves after the diary session. There was something about taking that centre seat that made them feel like they entered a confession booth.

All hail masseuse Neo! 

After Vee blew Neo’s trumpet for his smooth massaging skills, Erica had no choice but to request the services of his magic palms.

Eight years a lover

Brighto talked about his academic exploits but that wasn’t what got the room buzzing. It was the brief comment he made about his relationship that made the rest of the Housemates hit rewind on the remote control. There was no way they were letting him gloss over that piece of juicy information. Apparently Brighto had been in a relationship that lasted for eight years and as the Housemates prodded further, he revealed they had weren’t intimate during their affair. As expected, the guys expressed shock at him holding all that pent-up love juice in him for so long.

The Adult content lovers and the self helps

The housemates got to sharing the biggest lies they have ever told. Relationships, sex, and friendship were all there and the majority of the stories shocked us more than an illegal electricity connection.

Although they come from different backgrounds, Prince and Trickytee share a passion for being go-getters. Not only have they both fulfilled their dream of making it into the Big Brother House, but they have also set up businesses for themselves in their quest to be self-sufficient. But that isn’t really the juicy part. Their love for exotic adult content is what had their Housemates looking at them with side-eyes. While Prince has an appetite for homemade videos, Trickytee is a lover of all. Trickytee did say it was a past time guilty pleasure, but the gleam in his eyes at that moment had the Housemates in doubt.

Nengi’s confession about her self-helping escapades because of her long-distance relationship.

Tension brewing

The ‘get to know me’ session did create mild tension between Lucy and Lilo and there was a bit of confrontation. Lilo believed she heard Lucy make a side comment about her during her session and confronted her.

Lucy insisted she didn’t make that comment in response to her and felt Lilo should have asked her instead. In her discussion with Tochi about her confrontation, she said the comment she made about the session being hurried up was not addressed to Lucy but a general response to the entire session because she was getting hungry. “If you did not hear something well, you could have asked me,” she said wondering why the confrontation.

Diary Session

With tension brewing, the Housemates are kinda starting to show their true colours and masks are starting to fall.

Check on it!


As each day passes, the drama the house is known for is beginning to rear its head and the housemates may give us a lot more than we bargained for and we are here for it.

Photo CreditBig Brother Naija

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