Season Update: Download Hawkeye Season 1 Episode 4 – Partners, Am I Right?


Barton is able to defuse the situation after Eleanor and Duquesne recognize him as an Avenger, although Eleanor asks him to keep Bishop out of his investigation and later contacts an unknown person to inform them of the situation. With Laura’s help, Barton discovers that Duquesne is the CEO of Sloan Limited, a shell company that launders money for the Tracksuit Mafia, while Bishop deduces that Barton was the Ronin. Barton asks Kazi to talk Maya out of her vendetta against Ronin, arguing that it will eventually get her killed. Laura informs Barton that a watch the Tracksuits stole from the auction, which is valuable to them, is sending out tracking pings from an apartment building, so Barton and Bishop go to retrieve it. Bishop enters the apartment and finds the watch while Barton covers her from outside, but in the process they discover that the apartment belongs to Maya and that she has been researching Clint’s family. Maya appears and attacks Bishop, while Barton is ambushed by a masked woman. A three-way fight breaks out between Barton and Bishop, Maya, and the masked woman; Bishop injures Maya, forcing her to retreat, while Barton unmasks the masked woman, who is revealed to be Yelena Belova before she too escapes. Recognizing Yelena as a Black Widow assassin, Barton decides that he cannot keep putting Bishop in danger and sends her away.

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