Akindele Oluyide : Being Ungrateful is nosocomial ; My Story….

I think being ungrateful is nosocomial, especially if you envy easily.

Just as I boarded a bike from my popular spot enroute to my home, someone called my name within the heavy traffic. Lo, it was a college friend.
Everything set,
Nice and fine ride,
Wrist and neck dey blink,
Shoe bam.

At first, I was intimidated. Then I gulp up the fear and we chatted. We exchanged contacts and we bid ourselves farewell.

My bike continued it’s journey and within some kilometres towards my al-mata, I saw a face that rings a bell. He looked at me and he quickly whisk away at a glance.

I alighted and I walked towards him, he mumbled and wished the breeze carries him in a jiffy.

I called his name, hugged and I begin to ask about our other secondary school friends from almost 20 years ago. Yet, he didn’t make a coherent sentence. I had to look closely again and I discovered some discrepancies which was more of a mental challenge.

He couldn’t have been mentally unbalanced. He giggled and within some minutes, he retracted and walked briskly away. I stood in awe and I looked extremely foolish. How come?

This was a guy who was overly gentle in our secondary school days with good grades to show for it. He was brilliant.

Later in the day, I started ruminating of what I didn’t get well. I was intimidated by a classmate some hours back and some hour behind it, I was virtually taken aback.

You see your life?
That was my thought flogging my ungratefulness.

In life, there is no basis of comparison. Everyone has got its own manual like the lines engraved differently on our palms.

The seemingly serious ones can get it rough and tough without recovering,
The casted down and the least expected of all can become the corner stone,
God can never be underated when life happens.

How many times have we been ungrateful?
How many times have we blamed our destinies beyond repair?
How many times have we mocked God and deny him?

Yet, humans are subjects to what they see than what they could learn.

There is a time for everything that chances happeneth to,
There is a period of harvest and a time to laugh. Never be intimidated by your present as your future is very near!

Your state is never static, your solid problems could be liquefied within some seconds when grace and mercy happens. God has never forgotten anyone, only that you’re a work in progress.

Millions desire to just look like you for a milliseconds. You can’t be monopolized by your ungratefulness.

Maybe we should try more to show gratitude,
Maybe we should dedicate the highs of our time to thanking God,
Maybe we should also reflect during our lows into soberness.

The watch that ranged deep night will birth the brightness of the morning.

Oya tujuka,
Gbe body eee,
Ge fila mawobe,
Oya Shana wole ko Bi hapi,
Dupe tie!

Oluwa nsise e loor,
Baba tin seebe ko kuro nidi Aaro!

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