The soaring rate of defilement and rape cases had meant parents be on guard and be…
Category: Lifestyle
5 Things You Should Avoid Doing When Starting A New Job
1. Don’t Assume Anything About Details Like Your Hours Your manager or the human resources department…
Do You Know Orange Peel Leaves Your Skin Glowing? Here Are 6 Amazing Ways You Can Use Orange Peels
1. Bath Oil: Add a little grounded and dried orange peel or if possible its oil…
5 Rituals You Should Engage In Before Bed
#1. Plan your day Before you go to bed, spend five minutes going through your planner…
5 Ways To Deal With Mean People
1. Remember, sometimes the rude person is you. Maybe not today, but there’ve been times when…
4 Ways To Raise A Confident Girl
1. Encourage assertiveness. Teach your daughter to express her needs to adults and stand her ground…
(Video) Controversial Nigerian OAP Daddy Freeze Talks about the True day of Worship and this is deep…
Nigerian OAP popular known for his controversial topics and speeches on religion and biblical facts is…
8 Things To Confirm You’re Ready To Get Married
My husband proposed 6 months after we started dating. Everything was moving like clockwork, until it…
5 Tips On How To Live A Good Life
Living the good life means different things to different people. There is, however, a slightly ambiguous,…