The president is sitting back and watching some weird-looking cable-news program called The Nate Butcher Show when, all of a sudden, Aaron Shore shows up to butts heads with none other than pesky Senator Bowman of Montana. The topic? President Kirkman, more or less. Shore, as he often does, offers up a full-throated defense of Kirkman, which pleases POTUS greatly.
Back in the press shop, Seth battles Abe Leonard once again on yet another breaking story: that the White House tried to cover up FBI Deputy Director Jason Atwood’s arrest in the Oval Office. Seth runs to the president with the story. Kirkman’s response? Let me talk to him one on one.
But first, Kirkman brings Aaron into the Oval Office to let him in on the big secret that’s been roiling the West Wing: There’s a traitor in the White House, and nobody knows who it is. Kirkman wants to know:……………………
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