Download How to get away with Murder season 4, Episode 5 below, first, a little recap….
This week on How to Get Away With Murder, it’s time for a deep dive into one of the most twisted, toxic, codependent, mysterious relationships on the show: the love-hate saga of Bonnie and Annalise.
Bonnie is running in a rainstorm, clearly distraught. She runs to Isaac’s door late at night, needing desperately to see him. And we learn very quickly what it is that’s troubling her — Annalise. She’s told Isaac that the woman in question is named May, but we all know it’s Annalise because (a) her real name is Lulu May and (b) who else would cause Bonnie this much angst?
Bonnie tells Isaac that she saw May that night and admits that she started seeing Isaac not to get better, but to hurt Annalise May. As they talk, Bonnie begins to pour out her emotions — her confusion over whether she made up the similarities between them, her desire to be the child Annalise so desperately wanted. She wants Isaac to justify her sense of betrayal and desire to hurt Annalise. Instead, her pushes her to recollect good memories from their time together, insisting the only way for her to get better and move on is for her to admit she loves May/Annalise. She finally gives in and starts to sob, “I love her,” while remembering some of the highs and lows she and Annalise shared over the years.