Download The Originals Season 4, Episode 7

Download The Originals Season 4, Episode 7 below….. First, a little recap….


You know an episode is good when you find yourself saying, “Whhhhaaaatttt???” and, “Oh no, he didn’t!” on multiple occasions. Klaus and Elijah are in major protection mode now that they know the Hollow’s high priest Dominic is still alive. This means heads are going to roll. Literally.

Sadly, Klaus doesn’t get to gallivant around New Orleans to figure out a way to stop the Mikaelsons from experiencing certain death. That’s Elijah’s job. Klaus, Haley, and Hope must stay in the compound thanks to a barrier protection spell courtesy of Aunt Freya.

Klaus finds Hope in the attic, reciting some pretty creepy nursery rhymes and playing with tiny wooden soldiers. She asks her dad about the little boy who used to live there. Instead of answering, Klaus escorts his daughter out of the attic. The camera pans to a trunk with “Marcellus” carved on the side.

Across town, Elijah pays a visit to his second favorite witch. Vincent is extremely irritated that Elijah keeps waltzing into his church uninvited. Elijah asks Vincent to reestablish the link with the ancestors to help fight off the Hollow. Vincent laughs. There would have to be a Harvest Ritual………………………





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