How To Keep Your Husband

Many at times we have developed the fear of keeping our lovers to ourselves than sharing him with anyone else. The truth is that men are lesser in number than women and for that matter, should we share them equally some women will still not get. The taste of men also keep changing frequently than that of women. For this reason some men fall into the trap of having to satisfy their taste for different women. In as much as these factors are working against men many people are every now and then competing for the attention of their lover. It could be the ordinary Lady on the street, his secretary or colleagues at work, the crush he met the last time, his ex, your friends or even his students.

Even though the following points are not conclusive solutions to the issues, they are some taught through points you could consider if you want to keep your Man to yourself.


Prayer works. It worked yesterday, it is working today and will surely work tomorrow. Yes it will work. The good book says “for the weapons of our warfare are not canal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds”. You must constantly spend time to pray for your husband. Pray and break any spell that may be cast on him. Pray that the Lord will kill his desire for other ladies. Most at times the men who abandon their wives, children and families for these “cheap” girls were compelled by a foul spirit, it is not always ordinary. There are forces behind. Stop complaining young lady and pray. Before you speak to another fellow about your issue speak to God first. It works. If you have a husband who is supportive and loving, do not be complacent but pray that the Lord will make him continue in it. Never go to bed without praying over the head of your Man.

You might be saying ” Aha Prayer?, When? When will l see the signs?. I better try Black power.” Okay go ahead and try it. No one is stopping you but before you do that listen to this advise: THE DEVIL GIVES OUT NOTHING FOR FREE. His package always comes with a cost. Please try prayer.


It is as simple as that. Just submit. Submission is not slavery. Submission means submission. You are not a slave or a good for nothing when you submit to your partner. Submission simply means bringing yourself under a recognized authority and being ready to seek the good of your authority. Men want to feel respected. Men want to be in charge of the game. Men want to have a voice above everyone. Allow him in wisdom to have his voice and you will have his heart. When a man feels respected, honoured and glorified he loves naturally. This is what the young girls and prostitutes know that the Mamas and house wives do not know. The girls know when to serve him, they know when to rub their hands on the man’s chest and hair. They know the sweet words to say. Mama please if you still want to keep that Man then stop being orga. You were not created to be in charge rather to bear the charge. When you are submissive you serve. Serve your husband. Don’t leave everything to the maid. Put your credentials aside and serve him food, wash his things, keep his room clean and give him a good sexual treat. Remember l did not say sex. I say give him a good sexual treat. Romance him. Massage him. Kiss him. Play with him and intentionally decide that you want him to enjoy having canal knowledge of you.


You will definitely grow old but please don’t intentionally grow older than your age. Take good care of yourself, smell good, look good and appear good. Do not think you are finally married so there is no need to dress to impress anyone again. Your husband is there to be impressed. Most women when the children begin to come forget to take care of themselves all in the name of nursing a child. Please men are moved by what they see. Always endeavor to keep the look you had when your husband first expressed interest in you. Remember if you will not dress to “kill” other ladies out there are already in the business of dressing to kill every man they come across.

In as much as physical looks are not permanent and should therefore not be the bases for which you love someone, it is one strong factor that can attract someone to you especially at the initial stages of the relationship therefore the need to give it a good consideration.

I pray that as you read this piece, if your man is misbehaving the good Lord will touch his heart and bring his mind back home cos i know and i believe that you deserve to be Happy……..

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