caps, a group of around 100 mainly women danced and marched to congratulate US President-elect Donald Trump on his inauguration.
The front of the t-shirts carried the photo of Trump, sandwiched by the flags of the US and Liberia, with “Make America great again, along with Liberia,” emblazoned on them
Under the sound of a brass band, the group danced and each waved the US flag as they marched on Snapper Hill to the US embassy where they presented a statement of “full support” to the Trump administration.
“We trust that the coming administration will make America great again, thus continuing to lead the world by great example,” the one-page statement said.
The head of the parade, Cecelia Siaway-Teah, president of the Women Movement of Liberia, told reporters after the presentation that they were moved to march for Trump and honor him because “he challenged all obstacles” as he contested the presidency.
She said the parade was “to show the Americans that we appreciate their democracy”.
An embassy official received the statement on behalf of Ambassador Christine Elder.
Liberia was founded by freed slaves from the US in the 19th century; its constitution, form and system of government and flag are all modelled on those of the US.
Many of the pre-war presidents were born in the US.