MOVIE: Download ‘AGENT OF SHIELD’ Season 4, Episode 10

The episode started with one of Mace’s nicer moments: He gave a press conference officially celebrating Daisy’s public integration into the S.H.I.E.L.D. team. Things quickly go south, however, when Daisy and Coulson notice that one nearby rooftop is distinctly lacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. A sniper suddenly emerges and opens fire. Mace is able to block the shot by lifting the podium as a shield, but the bullet is apparently an explosive, so he has to hurl the podium into the air before it detonates. As the crowd devolves into a panic, General Talbot initiates a contingency plan that sends Coulson, Mack, Mace, and the director’s trusted lackey Burrows (now carrying a mysterious suitcase handcuffed to his wrist) onto a Quinjet, bound for a safe house. Meanwhile, Daisy shoots herself up onto the roof and grabs the sniper.

As the crowd devolves into a panic, General Talbot initiates a contingency plan that sends Coulson, Mack, Mace, and the director’s trusted lackey, Burrows (now carrying a mysterious suitcase handcuffed to his wrist), onto a Quinjet bound for a safe house. Meanwhile,…………………………………………………….


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