Movie Update: Download Once Upon A Time Season 6 Episode 7

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Titled: “Heartless” 

Bandit Snow dodges a bounty hunter while shepherd David goes on a fateful journey; the Evil Queen threatens to destroy Storybrooke unless Snow and David surrender their hearts; David and Regina search for a magical sapling.


Can a girl catch a break? Not if her first name is Snow.


Snow wakes up in the middle of the night, stuck out in the woods. Of course, the Evil Queen has brought her there, commenting that sleeping Snow is her favorite snow. So shady. The Evil Queen harkened back to Snow’s 15th birthday, the day she was given her own trained horse, and how Snow always gets what she wants. But this isn’t Snow’s perfect day, according to the Evil Queen — it’s hers. She wants Snow’s heart, but she’s not going to take it. Partly because Regina put a protection spell over her and David, but also because Snow’s simply going to hand it over to the Evil Queen. Why? Because girlfriend handed Snow a small bottle and though its contents are unknown, she has 12 hours to figure it out or Storybrooke will pay. The Evil Queen goes home super cheerful and tells Zelena about her and Gold’s deal…….


Download and Enjoy below.




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