Movie Update: Frequency, Season 1, Episode 8

Love is in the air on Frequency. Romances are rekindling while a serial killer is on the loose — what could be hotter? Okay, you’re right. That’s not hot at all. Let’s handle the case of the week first and then get to all the ~feelings~ stuff.

In case too much Thanksgiving turkey caused you to forget: Raimy and Satch found evidence of the Nightingale at an abandoned camp in the Catskills. After CSU went through the cabins, they confirmed this was where Larissa Abbott was taken — which means this really was the Nightingale’s first kill. Raimy wants to go through all of Larissa’s things, but her brother threw it all out back in 2001, when they found her body. To the ham!



Raimy tells Frank about the latest developments and tells him to go talk to Larissa’s family in 1996. Even though she’s been missing for two years in his time, Frank knows her body won’t be found for five more years. He’d love to give the family some closure now, but Raimy says he can’t. She has to work as many leads in 2016 and not change the past, that way when they’re ready to catch the Nightingale, he won’t be tipped off again.

So in 1996, Frank goes to the Abbott household, where he talks to Larissa’s family. The mother is desperate for news of her daughter, especially when she puts two and two together and realizes……………………………………………..





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