Nigeria ‘third most terrorised country’

Boko Haram

Nigeria suffered the third-biggest impact from terrorism in the world last year, after Iraq and Afghanistan, a report says.

Somali was the seventh most affected country, after Pakistan, Syria and Yemen, according to the the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global terrorism Index.

The overall number of deaths from terrorism declined by 10% last year – the first decline since 2010 – due mainly to the success of military operations against Islamist militants Boko Haram in Nigeria and so-called Islamic State (IS) in Iraq.

But with a global total of 29,376 deaths, 2015 was still the second deadliest year on record.

The report also found:

  • IS surpassed Boko Haram as the deadliest terrorist group in 2015, launching attacks in 252 cities that killed 6,141 people.
  • The number of people killed by Boko Haram fell by 18%. The group was responsible for 5,478 deaths during the year.

However Boko Haram and IS were posing new threats as they expanded into new countries, the report said.

Boko Haram has expanded into Niger, Cameroon and Chad, increasing the number of people they have killed in these three countries by 157%, it said.

IS and its affiliates were active in 15 new countries, bringing the total number of countries where they were operating to 28.

This expansion is why a record number of countries recorded their highest levels of terrorism since 2000, the report said.

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