Africa has been used to electing grandfathers and great-grandfathers as their leaders. Meanwhile, Theodore Roosevelt was only 42 years when he became the president of the most powerful country in the world. America! John F. Kennedy was only 43. Bill Clinton was only 46 years old when he became president of the most powerful country in the world. America! Barack Obama was only 47 when he ruled the world’s most powerful country …
Nigeria just concluded another election with a 76 year old Buhari emerging as the winner even though the major opposition is 72 years of age.. The world is evolving and Nigeria has chosen the status quo. It is worth Noting that by the time the new president finishes this tenure, he will be 80 years of age.
In a country of vast talents and young ones doing great things all over the world, why do we keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?
His name is Sebastian Kurz, he is just 31 years old.

Before the election, he was the country’s foreign minister.
While our youths are contented with being used, praise singers and Special assistants on social media in Africa, youths elsewhere are disrupting the status quo, pushing for innovation, changing the narrative and pushing for the new frontier.
Mark Zukerberg is just 32 years old and the youngest billionaire in the world.
The 31 old Africans are feeling big supporting politicians (who directly or indirectly put us in the mess we are in) on Facebook without seeing the nexus between the failed leadership and present unemployment predicament.
The condition in Africa is not helping matters though, and then my generation is not ready to push for change.
The women get married and drive their husband’s cars and think they have arrived.
I ask myself and other young people reading this, what are you doing with your life?
Are you happy with the way you are at the moment?
What are you doing to push for true change?