#ProjectFame9.0 Academy Day 11: Contestants Receive First Visitor

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As it has been the case in previous seasons of Project Fame west Africa where the contestants receive visitors in the academy who tutor and guide them on various skills which will be beneficial to their overall performance, the #ProjectFame9.0 was no different.
The essence of the professionals visiting the academy is to share their wealth of experience in their given fields with the contestants and add to the knowledge which members of the faculty give to the contestants. This is to ensure that the lessons they receive throughout their stay in the Academy are balanced and well rounded.


The eleventh day in the academy saw the contestants receive a visitor in the person of Mr Okundola Bamgboye, an Events and Sponsorship Manager at MTN Nigeria.

His visit started with a brief introduction of himself and he went on to advising the contestants on the kind of attitude they needed to employ to emerge tops.
His advice centered on having the attitude and mindset of a winner. He gave the contestants tips and nuggets on how they can defeat the enemy called fear, if they ever hoped to conquer the world.
He told the contestants that if they were able to conquer their fears, it would be much easier for them to own the stage whenever they perform and to also deliver a moving performance for whoever is watching.

The practical class conducted by Mr Okundola Bamgboye was put to use not too long after his exit as the contestants had to bring his advice on owning the stage to the class of their Fitness instructor Ms. Lovette.
She took them through a rigorous and energy-zapping performance class that brought the sweat out of the contestants in preparation for the weekend gala nights.

Almost all the contestants seem to have gotten better with their stage craft and that will hopefully come to bear on their performances over the weekend.

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