Movie Series: Download How To Get Away With Murder Season 3, Episode 10

Titled:  We are bad People


We’re back in the thick of it, folks, and HTGAWM sure did pump up the midseason drama. If you can’t remember where we left off with this crew in November, I’ll give you a hint: It involved a sheet and beloved(?) character under it.

QUICK RECAP: Someone blew up Annalise’s house. Annalise – in jail for general suspicions about Wes’ death; Wes – dead, but we don’t know how or why or where; Laurel – was in the house, is not dead, is pregnant; Connor, Michaela, and Asher – supposedly were doing “other things” during the explosion (but we can’t trust anyone at this point); Bonnie and Frank – same deal, but as always Frank is probably guilty; and that pretty much catches us up to episode 10 – “We’re Bad People”!

Much of this episode is (per usual) centered on Annalise’s misery. This time, though, it’s because she’s in jail. She’s admitted to a cell, which she shares with two other women. One is a bit younger and taunts Annalise; the other is older, kinder, and more supportive. At one point Annalise’s older cellmate, Jasmine, realizes she’s seen her in court before. She talks about what a “badass queen” (her words) Annalise is and mentions her red leather trenchcoat specifically.

Let’s just say Annalise has had better days – she looks completely distraught and is convinced she’s looking at life behind bars.

Outside of prison, Bonnie is attempting to put the pieces together. She visits Laurel in the hospital to try to figure out what she knows, and what she might say to detectives. Laurel is in a lot of pain and can’t get enough meds in her quickly enough, but she lets Bonnie know that Frank is to blame for everything that went down. Bonnie denies this and says Frank wouldn’t try to hurt them, but Laurel is sure he would (same, Laurel).

Bonnie leaves the hospital and goes to find Frank. Bonnie is convinced that someone has framed Annalise for this (probably the Mahoneys), and even Frank swears he……………………………


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