Series Update: Download Designated Survivor Season 2 Episode 1 {Premiere}


It’s been one year since the disastrous attack on the Capitol and one year since we met Kiefer Sutherland’s President Kirkman. A lot has changed in that year: The Capitol has been rebuilt, the terrorist has been discovered (but not found), and Lyor Boone (Royal Pain’s Paulo Costanzo) has been added to the cast White House staff.


And we’ve gone international! In the premiere, we find Agent Hannah Wells drunk in an Amsterdam bar where a fellow patron offers to take her home. And by home, he means his home. He lays her down on the couch and before he knows it, a very not drunk Agent Wells knocks him out. She begins rummaging around the apartment and finds a USB drive (that she can plug into her phone? what phone is that??). Hannah calls Chuck and he says the USB is full of addresses and each location matches the node of the dark web.


A “node of the dark web” does not sound like a place you should go to alone, but Hannah does, despite Chuck’s protests. Once she’s there, she’s immediately followed in by the creepy bar guy, who now has a gun on her. He’s not just mad that she knocked him out with an ashtray; he’s MI6, and he’s also trying to track down Patrick Lloyd, the man behind the U.S. terrorist attacks. Turns out Patrick’s been a bad dude in England as well.




Hannah and the MI6 agent, who we learn is Agent Damian Rennett (Ben Lawson) team up and search this dark web node place. They find a hidden security camera, which reveals footage of Lloyd killing the guy running this node. (How many times do you think I can use “node” in a recap? And how many times do you think I’m using it correctly?) They’re able to track down the guy who sold Lloyd his computer, and with Chuck’s help, they find Lloyd’s next location.


To be honest, I got a little lost in how the two agents were tracking all this, but what you need to know is that Lloyd wasn’t at that location. He’s back in — dun, dun dunnnnn — D.C. So that’s great!!

Download and Enjoy below..



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1. If you are on mobile, we suggest you to use UC Browser, which will automatically start downloading when you click download link.


2. If you are using chrome (or any other browser) and on clicking download link, if a black screen comes and the video starts playing instead, you need to long tap/long press on the play button or on the black screen and it will give you an option to save, just press that and video will start downloading.


3. If you are using pc to download, just right click the download link and you will find options like “Save target as” or “Save link as”, click it and your download will start.




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