Series Update: Download Dynasty Season 1 Episode 9

I didn’t think Dynasty could top its Thanksgiving episode, but the show really turned up the heat this week. It seems Dynasty used the first half of the season to put the pieces on the board. The initial mystery of Matthew’s death set up in the pilot was far less engaging than it should have been, but it has since given way to much more fraught dynamics between Blake and Steven, Cristal and just about everyone, and now Jeff and the Carringtons.

This episode really turned up the heat, but in a different way than the Thanksgiving episode, which relied on dramatic irony, high stakes, and Fallon’s utterly satisfying bitchiness. This week, though, Dynasty entices us with the promise of drama to come, which may even be more fun than the drama we have. Cecil and Jeff Colby have the most enticing news: Blake slept with the heretofore unseen Mrs. Colby. That sounds like a fun disaster for Blake, but I’m even more excited for the revelation that Jeff is not the hapless puppy dog mooning over Fallon that we once thought. Of course, that’s exactly when Fallon decided to try emotional maturity on for size and declared her intentions to take their connection seriously instead of pretending she doesn’t care.

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The idea that Jeff is actually playing both Carrington kids right now is so much more interesting than just about anything he’s done all season. He now knows about how Steven’s lack of experience led to a death, which Matthew covered up on Blake’s orders. He also knows about Stansfield taking care of Willy and other Carringtons business, and was responsible for sidelining Steven’s go-to bender buddy in jail on Christmas. This family is so damn screwed. I’m looking forward to learning more about the circumstances of Jeff leaving Blake’s tutelage, and Jeff’s master plan.

Steven and Blake’s relationship, never altogether strong but tested recently by Blake’s corruption, is tested once again. This time, it’s Blake’s father who causes the trouble, which Blake steps away from with uncharacteristic restraint. If I were Steven I wouldn’t believe Blake either, but we’ll see. Steven’s substance abuse makes his character more complicated, since his compromised decisions while using force him to consider crossing lines that a sober Steven never would.

Image result for dynasty season 1 episode 9

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