Welcome to the How to Get Away With Murder midseason premiere, which really feels like the midseason finale because it ties up all the loose ends from the first half of the season and sets up new drama to take us through the back half. Plus, the show aired one less episode than normal in the fall, which enhances the sense that this is a long-delayed finale. It’s time to finally catch up to all those scenes teased in flashforwards over the course of the season thus far.
Back at Annalise’s apartment, the paramedics have arrived to take Laurel’s very much alive premature baby and an unconscious Laurel to the hospital. Annalise follows, while the police treat the bloody elevator as a crime scene because it’s related to Annalise. Fair.
Connor is at Wes’ old apartment on the phone with Michaela trying to put together the pieces, but he’s interrupted by a phone call from Annalise — she fills him in on the drama with Laurel and the baby, while he reveals that Simon was shot. Connor then goes to Nate and begs him for help getting Asher out of jail (who is still desperately demanding his right to a phone call).
Frank finds Annalise at the hospital and demands to see the baby because he’s the father. The doctors tell them that both Laurel and the baby are stable and in recovery, but before they can become one big happy dysfunctional family, the Department of Human Services show up asking a series of suspicious questions about Laurel’s mental well-being and her potential drug use. Annalise quickly realizes this is all Laurel’s father’s doing and sees him being admitted to the hospital. She tries to urge the social workers not to believe him, but he takes emergency custody of the baby, and Laurel’s paternity test proves that Frank is not the baby’s father. At this point, Annalise is desperate and threatens the hospital with a malpractice suit for putting Laurel on an illegal psych hold and not allowing Frank in to visit.
Never underestimate the power of Annalise because shortly Frank is in Laurel’s hospital room begging her to wake up. Annalise has Laurel’s files, which contain toxicology reports indicating she had cocaine in her system that induced labor and she has a history of bipolar disorder. Enter Isaac – whom Annalise calls to come to the hospital to help get Laurel out of the psych ward. When he gets to the hospital, Annalise tells him the files show a history of mental illness all made up by Laurel’s father. She needs Isaac to do a psych evaluation to help Laurel; he says he has no authority at the hospital, but Annalise threatens to report him and his ex-wife to the medical board if he doesn’t do it.
Back at Caplan & Gold, Oliver and Michaela are breaking down realizing that Asher must’ve told the police the truth, as opposed to their story: that they caught Simon stealing the files and he killed himself in desperation. In contrast, Asher tells the true story of Simon’s accidental death to Nate, who has come to him in prison. He reveals he picked up the gun on purpose because he didn’t want to end up caught in another stream of lies. After getting Connor’s voicemail about what’s happening at the hospital with Laurel, Michaela leaves Oliver at C&G – but not before Tegan intercepts her to question her as to how Simon got her keycard when it was Michaela who was holding her purse. Uh. Oh…
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