Series Update: Download Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 17

Titled: “A Dark Reflection”

Much of the episode’s drama revolved around the hunt for the Mortal Mirror, with which Valentine and Jonathan plan to resurrect an angel and destroy the Downworld. They tracked down the warlock Jocelyn entrusted with the object’s location, but when he killed himself in order to maintain its secrecy, the knowledge of its location went to the person he trusted most — Dot! (Side note: Elliott’s magical suicide was easily one of the show’s most disturbing moments yet. Like I said, it was a hell of a week.)

Serving as Dot’s personal security detail, Jace and Clary recovered the mirror from its top-secret location, only to be ambushed by Jonathan in all his gross, burnt glory. Clary’s sadistic sibling nearly cut Jace into tiny, handsome pieces, but he dropped his guard at the offer of a second chance with his family if he agreed to sever ties with Valentine. This fleeting sentimental moment was cut short when Dot, seeing a rare opportunity for a sneak attack, sent Jace and Clary (with the mirror!) through a portal after catching Jonathan off-guard with a well-timed blast.

TRAINING DAY | With an adorable assist from Simon, Izzy spent the episode preparing Max for life as a Shadowhunter. Unfortunately, she didn’t warn him against sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong — hence Max confronting “Sebastian” with the knowledge of who he really is…..

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