Series Update: The Flash Season 4 Episode 18

The Flash has felt like it’s been in a bit of a holding pattern since the back half of the season began. Sure, there have been some good episodes (“Run, Iris, Run” and “Enter Flashtime” spring to mind immediately), but the overarching story, which mostly concerns DeVoe and the search for the remaining bus metas, has lacked a sense of urgency and hasn’t been entirely compelling. However, things are starting to look up after tonight’s episode “Lose Yourself,” in which many devastating and heartbreaking things happened — the most important one being the death of Ralph Dibny at the hands of DeVoe.

Team Flash begins the episode searching for Edwin Gauss, the last bus meta, as Barry and Ralph argue about whether or not they should kill DeVoe. Obviously, Ralph is all for it, but Barry reminds him that’s never the answer because there’s always another way for people with their abilities. This disagreement continues to rear its head until they eventually stumble onto Edwin and discover that he has the power to create and travel to pocket dimensions.

With the help of a manic Harry, who has developed an addiction to his Thinking Cap (which he’s obviously and secretly powering with dark matter), they’re able to track Edwin to a hippie commune. As soon as they find Edwin, who himself is quite the hippie, one of DeVoe’s Samuroids appears and attack them, stabbing Killer Frost in the process. This little attack is more than enough to convince Edwin go with them and hide in the pipeline…

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