Download Arrow Season 6, Episode 5 below.. First, a little recap….
Last week’s episode ended with something we’d been waiting for since the season 6 premiere — Slade calling on Oliver to help him find his son — and tonight’s “Deathstroke Returns” follows through on that promise. Not everything in the episode works necessarily, but it’s still a fairly compelling hour that sees the return of one of the show’s best assets: Manu Bennett’s Slade.
One of the worst things to happen to Arrow was having to sideline Slade Wilson. Given his history with Oliver and the Mirakuru, he’s an immediately compelling antagonist whose motives and state of mind remain intriguing. In the fifth season finale, Slade told Oliver that the Mirakuru’s effects had worn off and that he’s finally back in his right mind, but even up to this episode, it’s still not clear how much we……
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