Series Updates: Download Black Lightning Season 1, Episode 10


A few weeks ago, we learned from Gambi that a government organization called the ASA had experimented on the citizens of Freeland, feeding them chemicals that were meant to keep them docile in the wake of ‘60s political uprisings but that actually ended up manifesting superpowers in a select few. Gambi was tasked with scouting for superpowered kids until he had a change of heart, raising and training Black Lightning as a form of redemption. This week on Black Lightning, we confirm that the ASA is still conducting superpowered experiments with Freeland kids (just as real-life government organizations are still pursuing black political activists with the same fervor they did in the ‘60s).

But that’s not all. In addition to kidnapping new kids for experimentation (as witnessed by our old friend Two-Bits), ASA has somehow kept all the people they experimented…….


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