Series Updates: Download Black Lightning Season 1, Episode 7


ell that was a big one, huh? Last week finally brought Anissa face to face with her father in his superhero costume, but it turns out Black Lightning was just getting started.

We begin with two warnings. First up is Lynn, who is trying to calm Anissa down from the ecstatic high of discovering that her MLK-quoting no-nonsense father is Freeland’s hard-fighting vigilante. Lynn is trying to warn her from taking a path that has caused herself and Jefferson much hardship, but Anissa is too excited, too full of the possibility to help other people at a meaningful level, to heed her. A similar story is unfolding not far away, where Gambi is warning Jefferson not to attack Tobias with lethal force. Something we know that Jefferson doesn’t is that Gambi has likely killed a lot of people, so he truly is warning Jefferson away from his own path. But Jefferson is too passionate about punishing Tobias, and too distrustful of Gambi by now, to listen.


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