Series Updates: Download Blindspot Season 3 , Episode 21

Episode Info:


Fresh off a renewal for a fourth season, Blindspot‘s penultimate season three episode begins with a flashback, reminding us that there’s always a backstory to fill in, or other storytelling options to explore. The show’s come a long way from being a procedural based around Jane’s memories, growing into a true ensemble crime drama, complete with dashed romantic hopes, secret kids, hackers with hearts of gold, and more! At the outset of “Defection,” we see Roman and Jane as children, playing a game at their kitchen table while their adoptive mother/future terrorist Shepherd watches.

It isn’t long before the scene of domestic playfulness descends into something darker. Shepherd is a lot of things, but a caring mother isn’t one of them. She’s pitted Roman and Jane against each other; whoever loses each round of the game gets another chore added to their list. Roman can’t compete with Jane, so she throws one game to try to even things out and boost his confidence. It works, and Roman can barely contain his pride, but Shepherd is having none of it. She gives all the chores to Jane and chastises her for being soft.





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