Series Updates: Download Dynasty Season 1, Episode 2

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Download dynasty season 1 , episode 2 titled ” spit it out ” below.. First, a little recap…

Come, friends! To the Green Room! Let us discuss the deliciously outrageous drama surrounding the Carringtons, the family putting the “nasty” in Dynasty. I mean, in the span of five minutes we get a bl– job in a cemetery and a stepmother pushing her stepdaughter into an open grave. This is the stuff that soapy dreams are made of!

The drama picks up almost immediately where the premiere left off. You remember: Cristal had just jauntily walked down the aisle to David Bowie when Claudia pulled up to inform everyone that Matthew, her husband and Cristal’s lover, is dead. And she blames Blake Carrington. Murder Accusations and Screaming Widows is an unconventional wedding theme, but hey, the Carringtons are unconventional people.

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