Back in January, Bruno Heller and his team gave us a surprisingly strong trio of episodes, which saw Jerome Valeska return from the dead and Bruce Wayne inch closer to becoming Batman. The show’s third season finally returned tonight with a new subtitle – Heroes Rise – and Ed Nygma is here to deal with the fallout of making The Penguin pay for killing the love of his life.
Now it’s time to return to Gotham City to learn how the Riddler got his name.

The episode kicks off with a professor getting into his lab. Ed’s already there, and pulls out a gun. The professor calls for help, but there’s no one around to hear him. Ed orders him to sit down. His riddle: “I can fill a room or just one heart. Others can have me, but I can’t be shared. What am I?” The professor guesses “knowledge,” but he’s wrong. Ed lashes out at first, but then calms down. He ties up the professor’s hands…………
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