Series Updates Download Marvels Cloak and Dagger Season 1, Episode 5

Download Marvels Cloak and Dagger Season 1, Episode 5 below, first, a little recap

No one can ever say that Cloak & Dagger doesn’t try to juggle its plot lines — for the third episode in a row, we volley across perspectives between Tyrone and Tandy. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. In either case, there aren’t many wasted shots. But it isn’t like we don’t have a stage to work with: with Greg’s death behind her, Tandy’s made it her mission to bring Roxxon down herself. Tyrone’s in pursuit of the crooked cop who killed his brother, going as far as to enter a notoriously racist police department himself. And Detective O’Reilly — the series’s wild card — has started an investigation of her own. Having relocated from the police force on Harlem to NOPD, she’s becoming familiar with the jagged edges of its bureaucracy.

Download Marvels Cloak and Dagger Season 1, Episode 5
Download Marvels Cloak and Dagger Season 1, Episode 5

The episode opens with a trailer from Roxxon, and segues directly into a shot of Tandy cross-legged in the floor of her church. She’s gathered all of Greg’s research. It looks like she’s coming up with something like a game plan. And, on the other end of that investigation, that image is quickly followed by a cut to Detective O’Reilly — only, she’s not quite, uh, on the job. We catch her in a quickie with a random cop in the parking lot (which, okay). But once she’s finished up there, the next time we see her, she’s actually sitting across from Tyrone in the station.

The pair discuss Connors. Tyrone can’t quite put a name on him. When he asks O’Reilly if they can pin his brother’s murder on the cop, she tells Tyrone that it’s impossible. It wasn’t recorded the way he saw it, so, technically, the crime never happened. Once O’Reilly tells Tyrone that “vice cops live separate lives,” Tyrone leans forward and asks if they can’t get Connors on something else. He has a plan — albeit one that isn’t fully fleshed out — but he’s hardly able to explain it before O’Reilly waves him off. She tells Tyrone to leave the police work to the police.

“Do you want to help?” she asks. “Stay alive. Go on and be a kid.”

Which is fine. We didn’t expect much help from NOPD anyways. O’Reilly doesn’t ignore Tyrone entirely though — later, we catch her checking out the circumstances of Billy’s death. She tells a colleague that she’s noticed a sudden downtown in drug-traffic in the 12th ward, and he tells O’Reilly that the area became significantly safer in recent years: all of the local dealers had fallen out. Now there only seemed to be one major plug. So O’Reilly doesn’t jump on the case, exactly, but it looks like she’s interested, at least.

The next time we catch Tyrone, he’s at school, and Tandy’s on the scene — from out of the clear blue sky — to talk to him. Partly because she wants him to know that she can finally control her “cloak.” Partly because she wants to use Tyrone’s computer lab to research more info on Roxxon. And partly so that, eventually, Tandy can steal a school uniform: She tells Tyrone that she’s trying to find the “mystery man at the center of it all.” But when Tyrone asks her how she finally managed to (mostly) control her quirk, she skips around an explanation, telling him that, “At that moment, all the other crap just crapped out.”

Incase you missed episode 4, click to download

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