So Emma and Gideon are like… kind of just really a malicious brother and sister at this point. Actually, let’s nix that because there are way too many family complications on this show. We kick off with Emma and Gideon in a bit of a Savior-off, and Gideon can’t handle it because he keeps bringing up his past with the Black Fairy. And y’all… it was a past.
Little boy Gideon actually seems like a sweet kid. He’s reading to his brother-friend Roger, but Roger warns him to put the book away because she’ll see that he stole it. You know the story… the one he was named after. And when the Black Fairy waltzes in and snatches it, Gideon calls it how he sees it — that’s his story. But the Black Fairy tells him he’s not a hero, and to prove it, she threatens Roger’s life in front of Gideon, and Gideon doesn’t step forward.
We flash to the present, where Emma is over this letting-Gideon-go business, and Snow is happy to help take Gideon out because…………………….
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