Series Updates: Download Riverdale Season 2, Episode 2

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Download Riverdale Season 2, Episode 2 below, first, a little recap


At any given time, if you want to know how the town of Riverdale is doing, you can look to Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe. If business is booming, Riverdale is pretty much fine. But if people are spray painting “Death Diner” on Pop’s exterior walls, well, they need to get better insults. But also, things are dark in Riverdale.

Speaking of dark things, Archie is currently burning some toast as the high schooler attempts to make his father breakfast in bed while chugging energy drinks first thing in the morning. (He’s still not sleeping because he has to sit in the foyer with his bat and protect his dad.) But don’t worry, Archie’s plan doesn’t only consist of him staying up all night holding a baseball bat. There’s a stage two, and it’s just as ridiculous as stage one. At the sheriff’s station, Archie reveals that he’s made a bunch of flyers featuring a photo of his father’s shooter. Only, we don’t actually know who it is, so the photo is a completely unrecognizable man in a ski mask with the headline, “Have you seen this man?” Ummm, not the best flyer there, Arch. (It’s a good thing you’re pretty.)




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