Series Updates: Download Supergirl Season 3, Episode 18

Episode Info:

This week Supergirl was all about parent-child relationships. Estranged ones, close ones, even non-biological ones. The relationship between Sam and Patricia is the one we’re least invested in – it’s had the least screen time and isn’t all that pleasant. The attempt at redemption via death here falls a bit short, and her death makes little impact due to our low investment.

Kara gets inspiration to take down Reign by talking with M’ynn and J’onn, Aunt Alex watches over Ruby while Reign seeks to harm her, and the team finds Patricia Arias. Even when Lena lashes out at Supergirl to Kara, it’s by comparing Supergirl to her mother. If a woman ever tells you that you remind her of her mother, run. Be very offended, but run The continual unfolding of M’yrnn’s memory issues has so far been realistic and heartfelt. The frustration felt by both father and son is entirely relatable – it’s the kind of situation where no one has done anything wrong, but everyone is still hurting. It was great to see J’onn letting Kara in, much in the same way he has always been there to steer the Danvers sisters in the right direction.


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